Tuesday, April 13, 2010

This Time in History

You know what?

This time last year, I was preparing for my first (and only so far) marathon.

Ok, I had only chosen the 5km (Maja Run) category, but it was still a marathon.

I went with my ex-room mate and colleague.

You won't believe the satisfaction I felt after I reached the 'Finish' line.

It was a lot of fun. :)

Monday, April 12, 2010

So, Whose Fault Is It, Anyway?

I have to blame it on something.

And so, its the cold. Spring time has arrived but it's still chilly in the mornings.

6:15 am is ordained by God as the time to curl up in bed under the duvet and sleep.

If only I didn't remember how wonderful it feels to run in the cold.

Damn my memory. And damn my guilty conscience!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

And Finally...

Just when I thought there was no point to this blog and was on the verge of deleting it, I started running in the morning.

I figured out a way to have my work out and still make it in time for my 7:15 am bus. My alarm would ring at 5:15 am, I'd snooze it to 5:40 am and then out I'd go.

Obviously there were aches and pains because of lack of exercise (Stretching for at least 1 min is so necessary after your morning run and toning exercises. Else you're bound to have even more stiff muscles the next day). But there's something great about running in the dark at barely 6 in the morning. Maybe it's the lack of people and the total privacy you feel. Maybe it's just the cool, fresh air. But I find it relaxing.

The problem of increasing weight gain is that you feel more lethargic than before. You're less inclined to do something about your shooting weighing scales. That's why it's necessary to do something about it as soon as you can.

I've sort of given up on junk food. I haven't yet completely.

And now I'm on my way to my next onsite trip. Am I scared? Yes. What if I fall off the wagon, and my weight shoots up even more? What if there's so much work-related stress that I start psychologically eating comfort food again?

Well, its upto me it doesn't come down to that.

Carrying my gym clothes and ipod along. Let's see.